Death Cab for Cutie | BrandNewNoise's Zoots Kalimba
Death Cab for Cutie recently reached out to say that they used the BrandNewNoise Zoots kalimba on the title track I Dreamt We Spoke Again on the most recent album,...
Celebrity Panel for Periscope Pitch + Artist Entrepreneur Showcase | BrandNewNoise
BrandNewNoise is excited to be include on the celebrity panel for Periscope Pitch + Artist Entrepreneur Showcase presented by Arts and Business Council of Great Nashville on Wednesday September 4th,...
Best in Show awarded to BrandNewNoise | Summer NAMM 2019
BrandNewNoise was overwhelmed and honored to be include in this year's "Best in Show" winners! How awesome is that! Summer NAMM (National Association of Music Merchants) in Nashville TN was...
We are so excited to showcase our products for the first time at NAMM 2019! Richard is on his way to Nashville to show you what these gadgets can do...
Wilco's Jeff Tweedy Custom hand signed Recorder Gadget
I had the pleasure of meeting with Wilco front man, Jeff Tweedy, in March of this year at the Majestic Theatre when he was passing through on a solo tour....
NAMM Summer Show 2019
BrandNewNoise will be showing at the summer National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) show in Nashville TN July 18th through the 20th. Not Come see me, checkout out all that...
BrandNewNoise at Moogfest 2019
Richard Upchurch of BrandNewNoise will return to Moogfest 2019 in Durham NC, April 25th-28th. Come visit with him, check out all the BrandNewNoise voice recorders and instruments in the Modular...
Instructions for how it works -BrandNewNoise by Richard Upchurch
Detailed instructions for how to operation all BrandNewNoise gadgets. All voice recorders & instruments feature Record, Playback and Pitch Control. **RECORD - You must hold down the red button to...
Party. Monday March 25th. 6pm-9pm.
Enjoy an in store musical performance by Asumaya. March 25th. 6pm-9pm. BrandNewNoise is located at 5706 Goodwin Ave, Dallas TX 75206. Look for the sign "Stop Wondering. Come In" at...
The Wirecutter features BrandNewNoise
We are so proud to be included in The WireCutter's list, "Special Gifts for your Favorite People"! They listed our Ghostly Zoots, a collaboration we did with Ghostly International. While...
Cool Mom Picks visits BrandNewNoise!
Big thanks to Editor-in-Chief Liz Gumbinner and her awesome daughters for stopping by the shop this fall and for featuring us in the Cool Mom Picks blog! We had a...
Magnesium Blue visits BrandNewNoise
We were honored and delighted to have Kirsten Rickert of Magnesium Blue (@magnesium_blue) visit our wood shop in Red Hook last week with her adorable daughter, Elle. She wrote a...